Monday, December 3, 2012

Fun with Grandma

Oh, I'm so behind on blogging! So, do I blog one big up to date entry? Or several small ones? I think we'll just do small ones :)

Just before Halloween, Grandma & Grandpa came to stay with us. Grandma Sherrie took the kids to Build A Bear. They were so excited!

 make a wish
 Berry Bear
 Harry Bear

I couldn't get Henry to stay put long enough to get his picture with his dog he made. Thanks, Grandma for the fun day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

the next milestone of life

Today was Gabi's first day of kindergarten! She was so excited to go. Her teacher's name is Ms Little. (I am hoping to get a picture of Gabi with her).

before school:

getting picked up:

Took this picture the next day. Gabi and Ms Little

Gabi was full of smiles and hugs when I went to pick her up from school today. She said she liked school and wants to go back tomorrow.
I am so proud of her. I was nervous that she was going to be scared. She did awesome! She told me today that tomorrow she would be going into the school by herself. Big stuff!

the other kids wanted to be in the picture, too:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

St. George

A couple of weeks ago, the I took the little kids to St. George - to visit grandma and grandpa. We were there for 4 1/2 days. We went to the St. George Temple, the park, splash pad, shopping and just hung out at their house.
(I'm just going to post a lot of pictures with no captions)

Monday, June 18, 2012

trip to the farm

This last week we went to Wheeler Farm with some of our friends.
The first animals we came to were the ducks and geese.

(I think my favorite were these cute little ducklings)

 say "moo"

taking turns on the tractor

Henry checking out what's on the other side of the fence

Tillie liked petting the goat

they all had a good time at the 'real' farm
Here is the group that we got together: